Judge Advocate General ( JAG ) Interview


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Dear Candidate,


1.              This is to inform you that you have been shortlisted to attend SSB interview at Selection Centre North, Kapurthala. 


2.              You are required to report directly at Gate No 2 of Selection Centre North, Near              DC Chowk, Kapurthala (approximately 01 Km from Kapurthala Bus Stand and approximately             

04 Kms from Kapurthala Railway Station) at 0600 hours (06:00 AM) UNDER OWN ARRANGEMENTS, only on the selected/allotted reporting date as communicated to you on your registered account on DG Recruiting website/registered email Id. No latecomers will be entertained/ accepted after 0630 hours (06:30 AM) hours at the Selection Centre.


3.              COVID -19 ADVISORY & INSTRUCTIONS.


(a) Candidates who have a vaccination certificate for two doses generated from COWIN platform and are asymptomatic on arrival will be exempted from carrying a negative RTPCR

report.  However, following documents/certificates must be brought by the candidate:- 

(i)        Candidates will bring vaccination certificate for two doses downloaded from COWIN platform only.

(ii)      Any candidate who does not possess the vaccination certificate will be required   to produce RTPCR report from an ICMR approved lab stating that the candidate is   COVID-19 negative. The RTPCR test should have been conducted within 72 hours of   date of reporting at the Selection Centre(see Specimen of RTPCR Report attached as

              Appendix ‘A’).

(iii)     In case a candidate fails to produce vaccination certificate for two doses or   RTPCR report showing candidate is COVID-19 negative, the candidature will stand   cancelled and no representation will be accepted at any stage. 

(b)                No Risk Cert.  All candidates will carry a no risk certificate. (See Specimen at   Appendix ‘B’).


(c)                Photographs.  Latest passport size photographs not older than one week will be brought and failing to produce the same at the time of reporting will render a candidate disqualified from appearing for the SSB tests.  Nobody will be allowed to leave the premises for any document or for getting photographs clicked.


(d)                Installation of Apps. Candidates should have Arogya Setu app installed on their phones prior to leaving home station for Selection Centre in view of COVID-19 pandemic.  The same will be checked at the time of reporting at the Selection Centre.


(e)                Bedding. All candidates are advised to carry Durrie, Bed Sheet, sleeping bag and               pillow with pillow cover (Light Bedding).  These items will not be provided by the centre, due  to COVID-19 pandemic.


(f)                 Those candidates who are selected in Stage I for Stage II will not be allowed to go out          of the selection centre premises for any purpose in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.


(g)                Candidates are advised to carry adequate clothing that will be required for their stay for period of two weeks incase recommended for selection as there shall be no laundry facilities available till the COVID-19 pandemic is over.  All candidates will carry their personal face masks, face shield, gloves, hand sanitiser and water bottles.


(h)                Candidates are advised to ensure that they do not carry any medication with them including any generic medicines.  Any medical assistance required will be provided at Selection Centre.  There will be a check of body temperature at least thrice a day during their stay with the Selection Centre.  During Stage I, medical check of candidate will be carried out at every stage of testing to ensure that all the candidates are safe.


(j)            Candidate should preferably not travel from any containment zones/high risk zones with respect to COVID-19 pandemic. 




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(k)          DO’s and DON’Ts while undergoing SSB: -


(i)                           Wear mask at all the times and before putting on mask, clean hands with soap and water.  Replace mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single use masks.

(ii)                        Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap and water during verification of documents and prior to appearing for the tests.

(iii)                      Maintain at least one metre/three feet distance from other candidates. Don’t   touch your body parts on any surfaces unnecessarily.

(iv)                      Maintain good respiratory hygiene ie cover your mouth and nose with tissue   paper while coughing or sneezing.  Then dispose off the used tissue immediately in the   covered dustbin and wash your hand with soap and water.

(v)                        Inform and seek immediate medical attention in case of fever, cough sore throat or difficulty in breathing.

(vi)                      No out pass for candidates will be granted during their stay at Selection Centre North, Kapurthala.

(vii)                   Finally, be supportive, be careful, be alert and be safe.


4.              No change will be made in the SSB Centre/dates, once allotted.  Also, no absentee batch has been scheduled.


5.              Candidates will have to make rail/bus reservation on own arrangements to/from Selection Centre North, Kapurthala and after screening out/conference out/medical examination as the case may be.  No rail/Bus reservation will be made by Selection Centre.


Note :-  Local Candidates. Withhold your move and contact us at the earliest in case you or your parents or close relatives are serving in Selection Centre North, Kapurthala. Candidates, who are wards of serving pers who are posted to any def est in the Kapurthala Military Station should info Selection Centre North, Kapurthala. Further instructions regarding change of Centre will be intimated to you on receipt of such confirmation from you.  Withholding information or giving false information in this regard will render you liable for cancellation of your candidature and disqualification of commission in case detected subsequently.





6.              Please ensure that you fulfil all eligibility criteria strictly as per the Notification  published for JAG-29 entry on our official website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.  In case of shortcomings if any, candidates will be returned back on reporting for the SSB.  Following issues are highlighted : -


(a)            Age Limit.  As per notification for the JAG (MEN)-29 entry.

(b)            Educational Qualification.  As per notification for the JAG (MEN)-29 entry.

(c)            Cut Off percentage.  As per notification for the JAG (MEN)-29 entry.

(d)            Cut off percentage and other relevant information are updated on website

 www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.  Candidates must ensure their eligibility before reporting for SSB.   Candidates are advised to visit website from time to time to get themselves updated, ignorance  will not be taken as an excuse.


7.              Permanent Body Tattoo(s).  


(a)   Only small innocuous permanent body tattoos are permitted on inner face of  forearm i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal)  side of hand.  Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and  candidates will be barred from further selection.  Tribes with tattoo marks on the face or  body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis.


(b)   Document Required to be Submitted.  In case of permissible tattoos, under  mentioned Appendices to DG Recruiting ‘Tattoo Policy for candidates appearing for SSB  Interview with Permanent Body Tattoos’ are required to be submitted to allow them to  continue with the selection process: -


(i)              Tribal Communities.  Appendix A & B to DG Recruiting Policy on Body

Tattoo.  Formats attached as Exhibit I & II.

(ii)            Non Tribal Communities.  Appendix D to DG Recruiting Policy on Body

Tattoo.  Format attached as Exhibit III.





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 (c) Please refer detailed Policy letter on permanent body tattoo available at web-link     http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in/writereaddata/Portal/Images/pdf/tattopolicy2015.pdf. (Available  under ‘Policies’-`Officers Selection’)


Documents Required when Reporting for SSB Interview


8.              Following documents in ORIGINAL must be brought along with two photocopies each duly self attested (Original documents will be returned after verification at the SSB): -


(a)            Matriculation or Equivalent Certificate for verification of your date of birth.               

 [Any other certificate issued by the board concerned (CBSE/State Boards/ICSE)/Admit  Card/Mark sheet/Transfer/Leaving Certificate etc in which date of birth is reflected are not  acceptable for proof of date of birth]

(b)           Marks Sheet of Matriculation or equivalent.

(c)            Intermediate & 10+2 pass certificate.

(d)           Marks Sheet of Intermediate & 10+2 examinations.   

(e)            Valid Proof of Identity with photograph - Aadhaar Card/PAN Card/Voter ID Card/  Passport. (Candidates belonging to Delhi are also required to bring one valid Residence Proof  with photograph).

(f)             One copy of Online Application duly signed and affixed with self attested  photograph.  

(g)           No Claim/Risk Certificate.  Format is attached as Appendix `C’.

(h)           Undertaking/ Certificate regarding all criteria/ eligibility conditions are being  fulfilled by candidate.  Format is attached as Appendix `D’.

(j)              Certificate for Not Having Duplicate Profiles/Registration IDs.  A declaration to  this effect as per format attached at Appendix `E’.

(k)            In case Original Documents Submitted for Pursuing Higher Studies.  Candidates  are required to bring a Bonafide cum Custodian Certificate  as per Appendix `F’ on  original letter head duly signed by the Principal/Head of institution where the documents have  been submitted.

(l)              Certificate of Previous Candidature/SSB Attempt. Format is attached as Appendix `G’.


         Additional Documents Required for JAG Entry Only.


(m)          Registration with Bar Council of India/State OR Certificate from college/University that  the LLB Course in the said institution is recognized by Bar Council of India.

(n)            Graduation Degree/Provisional Degree (in case of three years LLB after graduation).

(o)            LLB Degree/Provisional Degree.

(p)            Marks sheets of all years/Semesters.

(q)            Educational Qualification.  Minimum 55% aggregate marks in LLB Degree (three  years professional after graduation or five years after 10+2 examination).  The candidate  should be eligible for registration as an advocate with Bar Council of India/State.  Candidate  should be from a College/University recognised by Bar Council of India, failing which their  candidature will be CANCELLED.

(r)             For candidates from Universities Following CGPA/ Grades System Conversion

 Certificate- Certificate issued by Controller of Examination/Registrar/Dean of the concerned  University regarding formula for conversion of CGPA/Grades to percentages, as followed by  the University.  Format of certificate required enclosed as Appendix `H’.  If the conversion  formula is printed behind the original degree certificate or marksheet issued by the  Collage/University, the same may be accepted. However, in such cases, a self attested copy  of the same is required at the time of reporting for SSB.

(s)            Candidates serving in the Armed Forces are required to inform their Commanding  Officer in writing that they have applied for this examination.  Application of candidates serving  in the Armed Forces, duly countersigned by the Commanding Officer should be taken  alongwith all other documents as stated above to the SSB as and when called for the same.


9.              Special Instructions : Variations in Personal Particulars.  Candidates MUST thoroughly scrutinize all requisite Certificates and documents, including the Online Application to check if there is any variation in the personal particulars- Candidate’s Name & Parents Name from document to document.  In case of minor variations also (Eg: - Initials in name, spelling mistakes, suffixing of middle name/surname etc), the candidates are required to submit an Affidavit stating the variations in the personal particulars in specific documents and corrective actions taken thereto (to be elaborated in details).  Following aspects be kept in mind while preparing the Affidavit: -

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(a)            The personal particulars- Candidate’s Name & Parents Name as contained in   Matriculation Certificate only will be acceptable.

(b)            Due care be taken to address all the variations without leaving any scope for  interpretations/assumptions whatsoever of such variations from document to document.            In  absence of correct affidavit, the candidate will be returned back without entertaining  any representations.


Note 1 :-  If there is any discrepancy/anomaly observed in any respect, it may be brought to the notice of Dte Gen of Rtg, New Delhi immediately on occurrence.


Note 2 : -  Candidates declared successful in the SSB interview are required to submit at the earliest a photocopy duly self attested of all such provisional degree / degree certificate, acquired after the SSB interview to Director General of Recruiting, Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Army) West Block - III, R K Puram, New Delhi - 110066.


Note 3 : -  Candidates are further advised that documents already verified at Selection Centre North, Kapurthala need not be submitted again to IHQ MoD (Army). In case of loss of such documents, the onus will entirely rest upon the candidate.


Note 4 : -    Candidates will ensure that all documents (as applicable) as stated in the call up letter at Para 03, 07, 08 and 09 above are brought along.  In case a candidate fails to produce the required/incomplete documents at the time of reporting the candidature will stand cancelled and no representation will be accepted at any stage.


Instruction for Attention of Candidates


10.           Testing Procedure at SSB. This will be conducted over five days including the day of arrival in two stages: -

(a)            Stage I.  The Stage I testing shall commence at 06:30 AM on the first day and will comprise  an Intelligence Test and a Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT).  (b) In case of your rejection in Stage –I, you shall be returned from the Centre in the  afternoon of the same day.

(c) Stage II.  The Stage II tests comprises of Psychological Tests, Group Test I & II and Interview for the next four days.


Note: - In order to familiarize yourself with the SSB procedure being followed, you are advised to follow the link http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in/kapurthala-5-days-test-schedule.htm.


11.           Compensation.  Government of India is not responsible for any compensation to the candidates or to their guardians/heirs for injuries sustained by them during the period of testing or while using the military transport.


12.           Travelling Allowance (TA).  Please refer relevant contents of Notification for `Entitlement for Travelling Allowance’.  Re-Imbursement of TA will be made to Bank Account through NEFT to the candidates Accts/beneficiary account of their parents only.  To claim TA if applicable, candidates must submit TA Form (Format attached as Appendix `J’), a copy of the tickets (including boarding pass if journey performed by air) and a cancelled cheque or a self attested photocopy of first page of bank passbook at the time of reporting for SSB.  You are liable to forfeit the TA if you: -


(a)            Are withdrawn from any stage of Testing due to ineligibility/ cancellation of candidature.

(b)            Make use of any travel concession forms from Defence or any other Govt Department.

(c)            Failure to Produce TA Documents. In case you fail to produce documents/data as    mentioned at Para 12 above at the time of reporting, no reimbursement of TA will be made.


Note :- Duration for Processing of TA Claim.  For processing TA claim, the concerned office usually takes upto 60 days and TA will be credited in your account accordingly.  Therefore, the candidates should not seek any clarification on TA before 60 days to avoid unnecessary correspondence in this regard.


13.           Administrative Instructions.  Following administrative Instructions are laid down for Candidate’s guidance and strict compliance: -


(a)            Cash and Valuables.      It is advised that, a maximum of Rupees One Thousand over and above what is required for travelling expense may be carried. No valuables should be carried. Safe custody of cash and valuables will be the responsibility of the candidates. (b) Free boarding and lodging will be provided to you for the period of your stay at the Selection Centre.   

(c)            Candidates will strictly adhere to laid down timings at all places.

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(d)           Candidates will not visit testing areas after testing hours.

(e)            The conduct of the candidates both in the Selection Centre as well as when visiting   outside areas will be courteous.

(f)             Mobile phones will be deposited on arrival and its usage during the stay at SCN,  Kapurthala is strictly prohibited. STD / PCO and Internet facilities are available at this Centre  for utilisation by the Candidates.

(g)           Any contravention of above orders/ any act of indiscipline/ malpractices or cheating  during testing will invite immediate cancellation of candidature on disciplinary grounds.  Cases  of serious breach of discipline and conduct will be handed over to civil police and FIR  registered accordingly.

(h)           Carrying of Laptop and Electronic Gadgets .   Candidates are not permitted to carry Labtop or any electronic gadgets i.e Pen drive, hard disk, digital cameras, tablets, palm  tops,  music system, radios, scanners, printers etc.

 (j). Smoking, Drinking Alcohol, Use of Drugs will result in cancellation of candidature and  handed over to Military/Civil Police. 

(k)             No guests are permitted to meet the candidates during their stay at the SSB.

(l)              Items to be Brought. Following items will be required for the interview: -


Ser No


Quantity Required



Dark colour trouser and light colour shirt

02 Sets



Black Shoes

01 Pair

With laces


Neck Tie

01 Pair



Winter Wear

01/02 Sets*

*Seasonal requirement during winter only.


White shorts & T-shirts

02 Sets 

For GTO in Summer


Track Suit


*For winter only 



Sports Shoes

01 pair

Preferably white



02 Pairs

White Colour


Writing materials (pen- blue/black, pencil, eraser, A4 size white paper -10 Nos)

Adequate quantity



Passport size colour photograph in light shirt

30 copies

Background of the photo should be white (Refer Para 3 (c) above



As required



Lock and key for safety of personal belongings 





02 Pairs



Note: - Tie/blazers/apparels bearing logos of school/academies/institutes etc are strictly prohibited.


14.           Change of Address .Change of address, if any, after submission of application will be intimated to “Directorate General of Recruiting (Rtg `A’), Adjutant General’s Branch, IHQ of MoD Army, West Block - III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066.  (Format attached as Appendix `K’).



15.           Correspondence.


(a)            Candidates must forward all queries/ requests only through `Feedback/Queries’,   after logging into their personal profile on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.

(b)            Alternate modes of communication. 

                       (i)   Tele & Fax – 01822-230127 (Between 0830 – 1400 hrs)

(c)            No action will be taken on requests received through any other channels.


                                                                                                       (Sd/- x x x )

File No : SCN/7801/JAG-29/CU                                                                                                                    Call Up Officer

                                                                                                     Selection Centre North 

Station : Kapurthala                                                                                                                                                for Commandant


Date :     24  May 2022

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                                                                                              Appendix ‘A’ SAMPLE FOR RTPCR REPORT


SRF ID (RTPCR) ______________________________________________ 

Name of Patient ___________________    Father’s Name ______________________________

Age ____________                                                                                                    Gender __________                                                                                      

Occupation _____________________

Mobile Number ____________________   Mobile Number belong to  : Self                           Family           

Nationality ________________________        Downloaded Aarogya Setu App : Yes            No           

Present address of candidate __________________________________________________________




Type of test – RT  PCR 


Specimen Type :Throat Swab                 Nasal Swab Bronchoalveolar Lavage            Endotracheal               Nasopharyngeal Swab                                                                                      Aspirate            



Sample collection date _______________ Collection place ____________________

Sample ID No ______________________

Name of lab where sample is sent for testing _________________________________________ Mode of Transport used to visit testing facility.

Symptomatic           Asymptomatic          


Test Result (To be filled by COVID-19 testing lab facility)


Date of sample receipt (dd/mm/yy)

Sample accepted/Rejected

Date of testing



Test result


Repeat Sample required (Yes/No)









Stamp of the                                                                                                                                                                                     Sign of the Authority 

Lab / Govt Hospital                                                                                                                                                                            (Lab in Charge)


Appendix ‘B’



1. It is certified that Mr ______________ (Name)  Roll No ________________ a candidate of JAG(MEN)-29 course, hereby certify that I have no COVID -19 symptoms.  I fully understand that travel to Selection Centre is at my own risk and I or my parents/guardian shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or retest for the same course or any other relief from the Government if I am infected with COVID-19 during my transit or during my stay at Selection Centre North, Kapurthala.



Date :                                                                                                                                                                      (Signature of the Candidate)



Place :                                            (Signature of Parent/ Guardian)                                              Address ..........................

Dated :


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                                                                                                                   Exhibit –I

                                                                                                                     (Appx `A’ to DG Recruiting

                                                                                                                     Policy on Body Tattoo)




1. I,____________________ (Name of Candidate), Son/Daughter of _____________________ (Name of Father/Mother/Guardian as applicable) ___________(Date of Birth) hereby give an undertaking that I belong to _______________Tribe from ___________ area of _____________State and I do not have any permanent body tattoo on my body/I have one/two/three/four/more than four * permanent body tattoo(s) inked on my body as follows (one for each tattoo) :-


Photograph of Tattoo


(Post card size to be pasted here duly signed by the candidate with name.  Please do not use staple pins/clips)

Details of Tattoo

Size of Tattoo             -

(In Cms)


Language                                -

(If Applicable)


Significance of Tattoo - (if Applicable)

(* Delete whichever is not applicable)


2.              I am enclosing Certificate(s) as per Exhibit -II, in original, for permanent body tattoo(s) on my body, duly signed as per instructions.


3.              I hereby declare that besides the tattoo(s) as referred in Para 1 above, I will not have any other permanent body tattoo(s) in future if I am selected to undergo pre-commission training.


4.              The above information given by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


5.              I understand that misrepresentation of any facts/concealment of any information regarding permanent body tattoo(s) will lead to cancellation of my candidature at any stage from commencement of the selection process and I shall be solely responsible for the same.








Place :                                                                                                                                            ______________________ 

                                                                                         (Signature of the Candidate)

Date :                                                                                                                                               Name, Entry & SSB Batch No


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                                                                                                                    Exhibit –II

                                                                                                                     (Appx `B’ to DG Recruiting

                                                                                                                     Policy on Body Tattoo)





1.              This is to certify that ________________ (Name of Candidate) whose date of birth is ____________ is the Son/Daughter of _____________ (Name of Father/Mother/Guardian as applicable) and belongs to _____________ (Name of the Tribe) Community of ______________ (Name of the District) in the State of ________________ (Name of the State).


2.              It is certified that the permanent body tattoo(s) inked at the following parts of the body of ____________ (Name of the candidate) is as per existing customs and traditions of

________________Tribe and is in practice as on date :-









(Total No of Tattoos – both in figures and words)


3.              Post card size photograph of each of the tattoo as given in Para 2 above is correct and placed as under for any future reference / record hereafter: -


Photograph of Tattoo


(Post card size to be pasted here duly signed by the candidate and official issuing this certificate with their respective names. 

Please do not use staple pins/clips)

Details of Tattoo


Size of Tattoo             -

(In Cms)


Language                    -

(If Applicable)


Significance of Tattoo -

(IF Applicable)


Note :-  Each tattoo will have a separate photograph with details and will be described separately in additional pages will be used for the purpose and each page will attested separately.





Place :                                                                                                                   ________________________________

(Signature with Name, Designation and Stamp of DC/DM or SDM of the District/Tehsil) OR (Signature with Name Designation if any and Address of Chairman/Secretary or Senior Member of the Tribe to which the candidate belongs to with their Stamp) 









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                                                                                                                    Exhibit –III

                                                                                                                     (Appx `D’ to DG Recruiting

                                                                                                                     Policy on Body Tattoo)






1.              I, _____________________(Name of Candidate), Son/Daughter of _____________________ (Name of Father/Mother/Guardian as applicable) ___________(Date of Birth) hereby give an undertaking that *I do not have any permanent body tattoo on my body/*I have one/two/three/four/more than four permanent body tattoo(s) as per details given and shown in the photograph(s) (*strike out whichever is not applicable) :-


Photograph of Tattoo


(Post card size to be pasted here duly signed by the candidate with name.  Please do not use staple pins/clips)

Details of Tattoo


Size of Tattoo             -

(In Cms)


Language                    -

(If Applicable)


Significance of Tattoo -

(IF Applicable)


2.              I hereby declare that besides the tattoos as declared by me in Para 1 above. I will not have any other permanent body tattoo(s) in future if I am selected to undergo pre-commission training.


3.              The above information given by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


4.              I understand that misrepresentation of any facts/concealment of any information regarding permanent body tattoo(s) will lead to cancellation of my candidature at any stage from commencement of the selection process and I shall be solely responsible for the same.





Place :                                                                                                                                            ______________________

                                                                                         (Signature of the Candidate)

Date :                                                                                                                                               Name, Entry & SSB Batch No


Note 1 . Each tattoo will have a separate photograph and will be described separately additional pages will be used for the purpose and each page will be signed by the candidate.


Note 2 . Commandant Selection Centre or Commandants of a Pre-Commission Training Academy are empowered to reject a candidate for non-permissible permanent body tattoo(s).

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                                                                                                                              Appendix ‘C’




 I father/ guardian of ____________________(Name of candidate) who is a candidate for JAG(MEN)-29 Course  in the Army, hereby certify that I fully understand that my son/daughter/ ward will, if required, attend the Service Selection Board Interview with my full and free consent and at my own risk and that I or my son/ daughter/ ward shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from the government in respect of any injury or disability which my son/ daughter/ ward may sustain in the course of or as the result of any of the tests given to him at the SSB interview, whether due to his own negligence or the negligence of any other person or otherwise.


Place : ______________________                                                                (Signature of Parent/ Guardian)            

Date  :  _____________________                                                                                                      Name _____________________

                                                                                         Address ___________________

Appendix ‘D’




1. I, Roll No ____________________________ Name _________________________________ son/daughter of ________________________ am appearing for SSB of JAG(MEN)-29 Course commencing from _________________ to ____________________.  I undertake / certify that all criteria / eligibility conditions, as mentioned in the Course Notification and Call Up letter are being fulfilled by me. There is no discrepancy in my school & collage mark sheets / certificates, online applications and all other documents as required. If any discrepancy is found in any of my documents or eligibility conditions, at any stage, during or after the SSB. I fully understand that my candidature will be cancelled. 





Place :                                                                                                                                                                     (Signature of the Candidate)


Date :


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Appendix ‘E’





1.              I understand that creating duplicate profiles (registration IDs) on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in is not allowed.


2.              I hereby certify, that I have only one profile (registration ID) on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in whose user name is ________________________________.




 I have more than one profiles (registration IDs) on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in whose user name are as under :-


(a)            ________________________________


(b)            ________________________________


(c)            ________________________________    


3.              For Candidates having more than one Profile/Registration ID. Having understood that I can maintain only one profile (Registration ID),  I have already requested the authority concerned at DG Recruiting by email/letter on _______________ to delete my profile(s) (registration IDs) with following user name (s):-


(a)            ________________________________


(b)            ________________________________


4.              In case the above information submitted by me is found to be false, I understand that all my current applications are liable to be cancelled at any stage of the selection process.






Date :                                                                                                                                             (Signature of the Candidate)


                                                                                          Name : ___________________

Place :

                                                                                         Course : __________________


                                                                                          Roll No : __________________



Page 12 of 15


                                                                                                          Appendix ‘F’





(This certificate is required on the original letter head)


1.              Certified that Mr______________________ S/o Shri _______________________ is a bonafide student of _______________________(name of college/university) and presently studying in _______________________ (name of course to be mentioned).  The following certificates and mark sheets in respect of the above individual have been deposited with this College/University/Institution in original for verification purpose :-

(a)    .................................................................................................................................... 

(b)    .................................................................................................................................... 

(c)     ................................................................................................................................... 

2.              It is further certified that Photostat copies of the above documents have been verified and attested by the undersigned.


Place :


(Signature of Principal/Registrar of the


Date :

College/University round stamp


College/University where studying with stamp)






Appendix ‘G’





1.              I, Mr ______________ S/o Shri ___________________ appearing for SSB Interview for JAG(MEN)-29 Course, Roll No _________________ hereby declare that I have earlier attended the following SSBs Interview: -


Ser No

Type of Commission/ Entry

SSB Centre

Batch No & Chest No

Date of Interview

































2.              I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above information is correct and understand that my candidature will be cancelled if found incorrect.






Place:                                                                                                                                             (Signature of the candidate)


Date  :


                                 Page 13 of 15


                                      Appendix ‘H’





1.              I__________________________ (Name of Candidate) Roll No. _____________a candidate for JAG (MEN)-29 course hereby declare that my cumulative CGPA/SGPA/CPI of all semester is _____ out of _____, and as per the conversion formula provided by the university/college the converted percentage of marks of all semester is ______ %, which is equal to/more than the minimum cut off % _________ as required for the said course.


2.              I, further undertake that I may be allowed to appear in this interview at my own risk and my candidature for JAG (MEN)-29 course shall be cancelled in case the above declaration is found to be false at any stage of selection.


3.              The Calculation is as Under.


(a)            Conversion Formula ___________________________


(b)            CGPA/SGPA/CPI of all Semester _________________


(c)            Calculated Percentage __________________________



Date :                                                                                                                                             (Signature of the candidate)




Place :                                                                                                                                                                   (Signature of Controller of exam/Registrar/

                                                                                         Dean of the concerned university/

                                                                                                                                                                 Principal of the College with stamp)

Date  : 

College/University round stamp



Page 14 of 15

                                          Appendix ‘J’

Roll No____________                                  





1.              Batch No __________________________ Stage one Chest No________________

2.              Name of candidate as per Dossier________________________________________________

3     Name of the nearest railway station ______________________________________________

4.              Banker’s details of the individual for making payment of TA through NEFT: -

(a)            Name of the account holder ____________________________Relationship________.

(b)            Saving Bank Account No only (In figures eg 2, 4, 9)




















(c)            Saving Bank Account No only (In words eg two, four nine) 



















(d)            IFSC Code (In figures eg 2, 4, 9)













 (e) IFSC Code (In words eg two, four nine) 














(f)             Bank Name ________________________________

(g)            Branch with full address _______________________


5.              Actual train fare paid:-

(a)            From __________________________ To___________________________________

(b)            Class _____________________________________

(c)            Amount Rs. ________________________________

(d)            Train PNR/Ticket No _________________________


6.              Actual Bus fare paid:-

(a)            From __________________________ To___________________________________

(b)            Amount Rs._________________________________

(c)            Bus Ticket No. ______________________________


7.              Grand total (5+6) Rs.________________________________


8.              It is certified that I, _________________________ S/o  ____________________________ am attending first time for Permanent/Short Service Commission, I will be personally responsible for any intentional/non intentional wrong information as furnished above and I will not claim TA in future for this particular entry.         

Note: If any of the above bank details submitted by the candidate is incorrect (including spelling of name of account holder), then the TA amount will not be credited into the account by the bank and candidate will be responsible for the same.  Once the process is initiated, the undisbursed TA amount is deposited into Govt Treasury through MRO and there is no provision to re-claim the same.  


Station : Kapurthala


Dated   :                                                                                                                                                                       (Signature of candidate)


9.              Auth fare :- 

(a)            From ______________________________ To______________________________

(b)            Class ______________________________________

(c)            Amount Rs. _________________________________

10.           Admissible Train fare________________________________

        (Para 7 or 9 whichever is less)

11.           Admissible grand total paid (Para 10) x 2 Rs_______________

(Signature of Account Clerk)



                                                                                                                                          Page 15 of 15


                                        Appendix ‘K’



Roll No :__________________________

Name  : __________________________   Father’s Name:__________________________   

Postal Address:__________________________ 


Email  :__________________________

Mob No.  :__________________________



Dte Gen of Rtg (Rtg `A’)

Adjutant General’s Branch

IHQ of MoD (Army)

West Block - III, R.K. Puram

New Delhi-110066 



1.              I am a candidate for JAG(MEN)-29 course and my date of SSB interview is ___________.

2.              My Postal address has been changed. I request you to please update my postal address in the application for further correspondence: -


Postal Address (as given in the              



New Postal Address (To be changed  in the application)




                                                                                                     Thanking You

                                                                                                     Yours faithfully




Date  :                                                                                                                                                                     Signature of the candidate


Copy to : -


The Call Up Officer

Selection Centre North


Punjab - 14460




इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट
